Domain Data

All records allow for storing arbitrary information in the "data" map:

type data_map = (string, bytes) map

All entries have:

  • A key that should have a unique meaning. There is a set of reserved keys for typical use, but users are free to create new keys.

  • A value which must be represented in JSON (RFC 8259) and encoded in UTF-8.

Reserved Keys

Tezos Domains

All keys with the prefix td: are reserved for Tezos Domains-related metadata. We currently recognize:


The prefix openid: is reserved for OpenID claims. The values have their respective meanings according to the OpenID spec. The value types specified in the OpenID spec must be adhered to.


To provide an avatar representing their account, Gravatar users can equip their Tezos Domain with the MD5 hash of their Gravatar e-mail.

Social media

Developer accounts

Source control

Last updated