Buys & Renewals
Contract: TLDRegistrar.Commit
Creates a commitment to buy a second-level domain without disclosing the actual name. This is implemented according to our commit&reveal scheme.
Entrypoint: commit
Parameter Type | Description |
| SHA-512 hash of a packed tuple of label, owner, and a random nonce corresponding to the intended buy (see TLDRegistrar.Buy). The hashed tuple is of the Michelson type |
Error | Description |
AMOUNT_NOT_ZERO | The transferred amount of tez is not zero. |
COMMITMENT_EXISTS | The given commitment exists. A commitment with a new nonce has to be generated. |
Contract: TLDRegistrar.Buy
Buys a second-level domain based on previous commitment (see TLDRegistrar.Commit).
Entrypoint: buy
Amount restriction: The amount sent with this call has to be equal to the price of the domain. The price in mutez is calculated as standard_price_per_day * duration / 1000000
Parameter | Type | Description |
label |
| The UTF-8 encoded label of the second-level domain to buy. |
duration |
| Ownership duration represented in days. |
owner |
| The new owner of the given domain. |
address |
| The optional address the given domain resolves to. |
data |
| A map of any additional data clients wish to store with the given domain. |
nonce |
| The chosen commitment nonce. |
Error | Description |
COMMITMENT_DOES_NOT_EXIST | Corresponding commitment (see TLDRegistrar.Commit) was not created before. |
COMMITMENT_TOO_OLD | The commitment is too old (older than configured age). Try recreating it again. |
COMMITMENT_TOO_RECENT | The commitment is too recent (younger than configured age). Wait for some time. |
LABEL_TAKEN | The requested label already exists and it is not expired. |
LABEL_NOT_AVAILABLE | The requested label is currently not available for registration. |
LABEL_IN_AUCTION | The requested label is currently only available in auction. |
INVALID_LABEL | The given label is not valid. See Label Validation. |
LABEL_EMPTY | The given label is empty. |
LABEL_TOO_LONG | The label is too long. |
NAME_TOO_LONG | The name (label + parent) is too long. |
DURATION_TOO_LOW | The requested duration is too low (lower than the configured minimum). |
AMOUNT_TOO_LOW | The transferred amount is lower than the actual price. |
AMOUNT_TOO_HIGH | The transferred amount is higher than the actual price. |
Contract: TLDRegistrar.Renew
Renews second-level domain for requested duration.
Entrypoint: renew
Amount restriction: The amount sent with this call has to be equal to the price of the domain. The price in mutez is calculated as standard_price_per_day * duration / 1000000
Parameter | Type | Description |
label |
| The UTF-8 encoded label of the second-level domain to buy. |
duration |
| The renewal duration represented in days. |
Error | Description |
LABEL_NOT_FOUND | The requested label does not exist. |
LABEL_EXPIRED | The requested label exists but it is expired. Therefore it can be bought, not renewed. |
DURATION_TOO_LOW | The specified duration is too low (lower than the configured minimum). |
AMOUNT_TOO_LOW | The transferred amount is lower than the actual price. |
AMOUNT_TOO_HIGH | The transferred amount is higher than the actual price. |
Last updated